CBCSS UG Regulations 2019 – Choice Based Credit Semester System – Regulations for all UG Programmes


Global forces are combining to fabricate rapid and profound changes on a heretofore unknown
scale, that too, in fathomless velocity, leaving none of our systems unscathed, including the
global system of higher education. Higher education system, globally, is being placed in an
entirely different setting, with the pervading of market, offering a competing paradigm and
restructuring the interplay between the Market, the State and the Universities at the advent of
globalization. New terminologies such as ‘Borderless Education’, ‘Cross border Education’,
‘Transnational and Transborder Education’, ‘internationalization’ and ‘commoditization’ of
education etc., have become a few catch words in this era of liberalisation. Higher Education
ceases to be a ‘common good’ and is being swiftly transformed to be an internationally traded
commodity. In all modern societies, universities are considered as the ‘knowledge factories’.
The Indian system of higher education has unleashed major program of reforms in the event
of the changes witnessed in the system. Many of these reforms can be traced back to a policy
template provided by the National Knowledge Commission (NKC). In purview with such
reforms, the University Grants Commission (UGC) has made concurrent changes with regard
to the higher education system. One such change was the introduction of CBCSS or ‘Choice
based Credit Semester and grading pattern’. The UGC directed all the Universities in the
country to restructure undergraduate courses on ‘Choice based Credit Semester and Grading
pattern’ in 2009-10 academic year. Recommendation of the UGC in its Action Plan for
Academic and Administrative Reforms makes it clear that “……. Curricular flexibility and
learners’ mobility is an issue that warrants our urgent attention. These can be addressed by
introducing credit based courses and credit accumulation. In order to provide with some degree
of flexibility to learners, we need to provide for course duration in terms of credit hours and
also a minimum as well as a maximum permissible span of time in which a course can be
completed by a learner…Choice-Based Credit System (CBCS) imminently fits into the
emerging socioeconomic milieu, and could effectively respond to the educational and
occupational aspirations of the upcoming generations. In view of this, institutions of higher
education in India would do well to invest thought and resources into introducing CBCS. Aided
by modern communication and information technology, CBCS has a high probability to be
operational efficiently and effectively elevating learners, institutions and higher education
system in the country to newer heights…”.
Calicut University regulations are framed in accordance with UGC guidelines on restructuring
undergraduate education from 2009-10 academic year itself. Accordingly, all affiliated
colleges have restructured the regular undergraduate programs on the Choice Based Credit
Semester System (CBCSS), a combination of internal and external evaluation with grading.
Later the system was made applicable to the School of Distance Education too. Now, a revised
regulation for the UG Choice Based Credit Semester System is being prepared for ensuring
quality and learner-centeredness. It is called as the Regulations for Choice Based Credit and
Semester System for Undergraduate (UG) Curriculum -2019. This booklet contains the
details of the new regulation.
